A handful of 12 lakh Indians,tough & confident,Brave the biting cold,the deep burning sands,
They know not what fear is
Undaunted by bullets & gore

Safeguarding the borders & the core,
With passion & great spirit,hope & resolve
They move to the stretches beyond,
Protecting & nurturing our motherland

Years have passed & so have 4 wars,
Insurgency operations in J & K,North-east,Siachen & Kargil,
Have glorious tales to tell,
1947 & beyond,they have proved their might

Eagerly many parted with their lives,
The number rose to more than 21000,
Eyes wet with tears & pain,
Behind it was also Respect & Pride

Unflinchingly,over 21000 injured suffered,
So that their fellow countrymen may live,
Ever vigilant,nothing goes past their watchful eyes,
May the people around sleep in peace

Away from home & heart,love & warmth,
They face challenges that are abundant
Come dark hours of blood & tears
Yet,they remain smiling always

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